EAS is the abbreviation of the term electronic article surveillance which makes use of the upgraded technologies to prevent loss of properties due to theft or any mishap. They are commonly seen to be used at retail stores and libraries where shop lifting are the main risks. These places are being installed with detection system which would detect the item if taken and hidden at any place while going out through the machine. The tag which is attached when purchased is removed so that which deactivate it. Otherwise the tag if left form the store will be activated and can be detected. Thus they are the ultimate solution to stop or prevent the risk of getting articles stolen from the stores.
Different types of the EAS system
The EAS has different types of devices which can make the system easier to work for. The basics are the checkpoint or the check out points; some of the devices are magnetic systems which are attached with the item. Even acousto- magnetic devices or radio frequency, microwave or video surveillance system works best at few locations. They are very much helpful and work in perfect manner to prevent the illegal lifting of articles from the shops or any other places.
How to install them?
Being a business man if you are also thinking of installing such technological aids, then contact with any of the reliable EAS system dealers in Kolkata. But before you jump into the conclusion of getting the system installed, make sure that the size of the building and the plan is up to date to you. These two things are very important which makes your installation process much simpler. Along with this, budget of the entire installation is another factor to consider. So it is better to consult with the experts at the inception to avoid any hassles.
One of the most reliable and secure anti-theft solution is Hard tags that is far better than paper hand tags or sewn labels. These tags are easy to apply having a very good performance and can be reused easily. The most common type of hard tags is the hard itself and the pin used to secure the hard tag to a product. There are very good RF Hard tag dealers in Kolkata that can supply excellent quality of hard tags.
What is RF Hard tag?
RF hard tags are visible and secure anti-theft devices and it much more powerful than a simple paper tag or sewn in label tag. It is consisted of a thermoplastic resin housing having a pin or lanyard and in the inside there is copper or aluminum ferrite or coil. These tags are having excellent performance, are reusable, have most secure solution and are widely used in several applications.
How the RF tags work?
RF hard tags are used in stores as a concealed tag apart from having transmitters as well as receivers at the doorway. You can find it being used I bookstore and libraries where these tags are stuck to the inside pages of the books. It is also used in record stores where the plastic shrink-wrap may contain an RF stuck inside or in the CDs that are locked into plastic cases having RF built into these. The RF tags can only be removed with the help of a special tool at the checkout counter.
Some RF tags are cleverly concealed so that it is not possible to spot these tags where as some other tags are deliberately made easy to spot to deter stealing of items. There is coiled metal antenna in the RF tags and it need to deactivated with deactivators supplied by Magnetic Detacher dealers in Kolkata. If any item is tried to be taken out from the store without paying for the item, it generates an electric current that sends radio signal and sounds the alarm.
There have been increased cases of shoplifting in the retail market, and suitable anti-shoplifting devices have proved to be highly successful in reducing the retail shrinkage. There are various types of anti-shoplifting devices that work differently depending on where it is used and how it is used. One of the most effective Electronic Article Surveillance systems remains RF tags that can be used very effectively as an anti-shoplifting device. RF Hard tag dealers in Kolkata remains one of the best suppliers for the excellent quality of RF tags for the retail industry.
What is an RF tag? RF tags are Radio Frequency emitting tags that can be placed deceptively inside the items in a store. RF tags are frequently used in bookstores and libraries and can be attached to books, CDs easily, and it requires the use of special tools to remove it. Some of the RF tags are cleverly concealed while other RF tags can be seen that can deter the shoplifters from stealing the items. When an item is taken and is tried to pass from the gate without payment, an alarm generates that can alert the persons present in a store.
How the RF tag works:
RF tags supplied are by RF Hard tag dealers in Kolkata works very consistently to provide maximum security to the shop owners. One of the most popular RF technologies remains the acousto-magnetic or AM technology that has proved to be highly successful. In this technology, a pulsed beam of radio waves is generated from the receiver that strikes the tag and gives a precise frequency of radio signal.
Once the receiver picks up the signal, it verifies the frequency, and if found correct, it sets off an alarm. RF tags can be scanned from a distance and can work at high speed to make them a handy anti-shoplifting device.